
Mental Health – No More a Taboo…!

Once again, the alleged suicide of Sushant Singh Rajput – a renowned actor has brought up the topic of Mental Health…! Without going into the details of what actually happened to him because his case is being investigated and can’t say anything for sure, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that at some point in life […]


Wonders Of Chemistry In Engineering

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the study of the composition and properties of matter. Thus, chemistry is relevant to every walk of life, and needed in every facet of our daily existence. Without a chemical reaction, there is no single moment in life. Chemistry, the science dealing with elements, forms the building blocks of everything. Engineering, [...] Read more...

Plasma Bank in India

Mrs. Shobhika Gopnarayan India’s first plasma bank: In scope for a treatment against Covid-19 Delhi Chief Minister, Arvind Kejriwal inaugurated India’s first plasma bank on 2nd July2020. This plasma bank is at the Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences (ILBS). The Plasma will be extracted considering its scope in treating COVID-19 after specific trials. The bank will coordinate with patients [...] Read more...

3D Printer in Medical Field

Dr. Sarika A. Panwar Assistant Professor (Department of ENTC) AISSMS IOIT, Pune 3D printing has been making waves in many industries over the past few decades. It offers a range of benefits over traditional manufacturing methods. 3-D printing is proving highly advantageous in medical applications. It has been used in medical applications since the early 2000s. Since then the 3-D [...] Read more...

Things you should know about MACRONUTRIENTS….

Ms. Mamta Rajshekhar Wanjare Assistant Professor, E&TC Department AISSMS Institute of Information Technology In this blog, we are going to discuss the basics of macronutrients and also their daily recommendations. To understand what macronutrients are, we should first know what nutrients are. “Nutrients are compounds which provide nourishment essential for growth and maintenance of the body.” Nutrients are further classified [...] Read more...

A New Vertical of Future Era – Scope of Biomedical Aspirant in Instrumentation Engineering

Mrs. Kulkarni Sheetal V. Assistant Professor Department of Instrumentation Engineering AISSMS Institute of Information Technology, Pune(MH) Passionate of Biomedical field  can have a scope  in Artificial Intelligence, Medical Image Processing, Medical Devices, Manufacturing Biomedical Instruments & Biomedical Equipments ,Testing ,Calibration, Research & Development, Biomedical Engineers in Hospital,  Higher education  etc. Globally there is mass level  requirement of Biomedical equipments / [...] Read more...

Engineering in Instrumentation

Dr. Dipali R. Shende Head Of the Department Instrumentation Engineering AISSMS’s, IOIT, Pune Automation is the latest trend in all the industries. We can’t think of any industry without automation. Automation is an Instrumentation Engineer’s core job. Instrumentation engineering is focused on the principle and operation of measuring instruments. Instrumentation engineers work to improve the productivity, stability, safety, reliability of [...] Read more...

The Fight against Covid-19 Pandemic with Modern IT and Computer Technologies for Healthcare

The world is facing the wrath of a pandemic. Covid-19 as denoted by WHO has put the whole world under lockdown. Factories are running cold, roads are free of pedestrians and vehicles, rivers are clean, air quality index is improving, people are locked in


Top 5 Things that Makes AISSMS IOIT the Best College Choice for IT Students

With the beginning of the admission season, students are being bombarded with college choices from all over the globe.All this only to be more confused than before. Choosing the right college that is a perfect combination of fun and academic excellence is never easy. Thus, to help the students make an informed decision about their career. We connected to AssociateProfessor [...] Read more...

Lexicon Power at AISSMS Institute of Information Technology

Mrs. Vineeta Philip Assistant Professor E&TC Dept., AISSMS Institute of Information Technology As soon as you enter in the building premises of AISSMS Institute of Information Technology College, you shall see a white board with the name ‘Lexicon Power’. This, Lexicon Power is a brainchild of the AISSMS Institute of Information Technology Principal - Dr. Pradeep Mane, who entrusted me [...] Read more...