Professional Body Logo Year of Formation
The Institution of Engineers (India)- IE(I) 2009
Name Ms. Vaishali P. Kuralkar
Designation IE(I) Students’ Advisor Assistant Professor ,  Department of  Electrical Engineering
Qualifications M.Tech (Power System )
Specialization Power System
Experience Teaching: 13 Years
Sr. No. Heads Name
1. Hon. Secretary Hon’ble Shri Malojiraje Chhatrapati
2. Chairman (College Development Committee) Hon’ble Shri Ajay Uttamrao Patil
3. Principal Dr. Pradeep  B. Mane
4. Professional Body Coordinator of IE(I) Ms. Vaishali P. Kuralkar
5. Student Member Vaibhav Sangle

IE (I): The Institution of Engineers (India) [IEI] is a statutory body to promote and advance the engineering and technology, established in 1920 and incorporated by Royal Charter in 1935. It is the largest multi-disciplinary professional body of engineers encompassing 15 (fifteen) engineering disciplines with a Corporate membership of over 2 lakhs. The IEI has its headquarters located in Kolkata with national presence through more than hundred Centres and several Overseas Chapters, Foras and Organ.

The Department of Electrical Engineering established the IE (I) Students’ chapter in the year 2009-2010. The members of IE (I) Students’ Chapter are motivated to take part in a wide range of technical as well as techno social activities such as projects, paper presentation, energy conservation drive etc.  These activities help the students to develop multidimensional personality as well as achieve a more successful career.


The aim of IE(I) Students’ chapter is to motivate students   to constantly learn new things and provide a pathway of not only improving one’s academic curriculum but also the overall personality.


  • To stay up-to-date on society activities, including scholarships, conferences, workshops, publications and contests.
  • To encourage students to work selflessly as a team and learn new things to develop valuable leadership skills.
  • To promote the professional development of students through projects, conferences, guided tours to industrial sites, etc.
  • To establish a strong network between industries and professional societies.
  • To explore the social aspects of achieving goals.


  • Leadership and team work qualities will be developed among students.
  • Students will be motivated for research activities.
  • Students will be able to enhance their professional ideals and standards through various technical activities conducted under IE (I).
  • Students will be able to access technical articles through IE (I) magazines, newsletter and conferences.

List of Staff Members with IE(I) Membership No.

Sr.  No. Staff Name IE(I) Membership No.
1. Dr. Mrs. A. D. Shiralkar M-1704111
2. Mr. S.V. Shelar M-1538181
3. Mrs. K. S. Gadgil M-1704278
4. Mr. S. S. Shingare M-1704162
5. Mr. V. S. Kamble M-1704103
6. Mrs. S. S. Landge AM-1630310
7. Mrs. S. M. Shaikh M-1574838
8. Ms. V. P. Kuralkar M-1704170
9. Mr. P. P. Mahajan M-1704421
10. Mr. S. M.Bakre M-1704723