Mr. Dinanath Kholkar
Vice President and Global Head of Analytics & Insights at Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), Chair, IEEE Pune Section
Pune, one of the largest urban agglomerations of India, is located in western Indian State of Maharashtra. The city is one of the biggest industrial towns in India and an important educational, industrial, and cultural center. Pune hosts several universities and well-known institutions, and research organizations. The city also houses large number of industries in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Automobile, Electrical, Electronics, Forging, Foundries and other Engineering Industries. More than one hundred thousand skilled Engineering professionals are working in and around the city. The strength of students studying in various disciplines in the city exceeds two hundred thousand.
IEEE Pune Section (R0 01 20) was established on June 26, 2010 with terrestrial boundaries confined to Pune Metropolitan City (Postal Code: 411001 to 411999). The Section falls under the jurisdiction of Asia Pacific Region (R-10) of IEEE. Prior to that it was a subsection of IEEE Bombay Section since June 20, 2003 till its formation. At present, the Pune Section has more than 300 professional members and over 1100 other members, including student members. There are 19 IEEE Student Branches in different Engineering Colleges in and around Pune City.
The Section interfaces with the industries and academia through various technical and humanitarian activities. Section organizes various activities throughout the year, which are helpful to the professional members as well as for student’s community for their skill set upgradation. The Section and its student branches endeavor to contribute to the advancement of the knowledge of its community through activities that provide professional information exchanges and stimulate technological innovations. Meetings of the Section officers, interactions with the Student Branch Counselors and representatives are held on regular basis to discuss the ideas and plans for activities.